Inspection of tanks and silos by drone

Die Inspektion von Tanks und Silos in Industrieanlagen mit der Flyability ELIOS 3 Drohne ermöglicht eine schnelle und sichere Überprüfung schwer zugänglicher Innenbereiche – mit minimalen Betriebsunterbrechungen und höchster Effizienz für Ihr Unternehmen.
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Safe inspection of tanks and silos by drone in industrial plants

Christian Engelke

Traditional inspections of tanks and silos are often time-consuming and cost-intensiveas they often require the use of scaffolding and working platforms. With our drone technology, we can carry out inspections quickly and safely without the need for complex scaffolding work. We work with TÜV inspectors, surveyors and other inspection organisations to ensure the highest quality and safety standards.

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A selection of our customers and partners

Korrosion und spezifische Mängel an Stahltanks und Kunstofftanks

Bei der Korrosion von Stahltanks und den besonderen Herausforderungen von Kunststofftanks gibt es erhebliche Unterschiede, da beide Materialien unterschiedliche Reaktionen auf Umwelteinflüsse und Lagerbedingungen zeigen. Während Stahltanks hauptsächlich von elektrochemischer Korrosion betroffen sind, haben Kunststofftanks andere spezifische Probleme, die berücksichtigt werden müssen.

Korrosion und Probleme bei Stahltanks

Stahltanks sind aufgrund ihrer Materialeigenschaften und des häufigen Kontakts mit Wasser und Chemikalien besonders anfällig für Korrosion. Die Hauptprobleme und Schutzmaßnahmen sind:

  1. Elektrochemische Korrosion:
    Wie bereits erwähnt, ist die elektrochemische Korrosion bei Stahltanks das größte Problem, insbesondere wenn sie mit Wasser, Feuchtigkeit oder aggressiven Chemikalien in Berührung kommen. Rostbildung ist ein häufiges Problem, das die strukturelle Integrität gefährden kann.

  2. Mikrobiell induzierte Korrosion (MIC):
    Stahltanks sind anfällig für mikrobiell induzierte Korrosion, insbesondere in der Öl- und Gasindustrie oder bei Tanks, die organische Materialien oder Wasser lagern. Sulfatreduzierende Bakterien (SRB) sind besonders schädlich, da sie aggressive Stoffe wie Schwefelwasserstoff produzieren, der Korrosion fördert.

  3. Beschichtungen und Kathodischer Schutz:
    Die Verwendung von Schutzbeschichtungen (z.B. Epoxidharz oder Polyurethan) und kathodischem Schutz (Opferanoden) sind wichtige Maßnahmen, um die Lebensdauer von Stahltanks zu verlängern und Korrosion zu verhindern. Regelmäßige Wartung: Ohne regelmäßige Inspektionen und Wartung kann Korrosion unbemerkt fortschreiten und erhebliche Schäden verursachen.

Spezielle Probleme bei Kunststofftanks

Kunststofftanks (meist aus Polyethylen, Polypropylen oder glasfaserverstärktem Kunststoff) sind nicht anfällig für Korrosion im herkömmlichen Sinne, da sie nicht aus Metall bestehen. Allerdings haben Kunststofftanks andere spezifische Herausforderungen:

  1. Chemische Zersetzung:
    Kunststofftanks sind gegenüber bestimmten Chemikalien empfindlich, die die Struktur des Materials angreifen können. Einige aggressive Chemikalien oder Lösungsmittel können den Kunststoff schwächen oder ihn spröde machen, was zu Rissen oder Leckagen führt.
    Stressrissbildung: Einige Chemikalien, insbesondere organische Lösungsmittel, können Spannungsrisse (Stress-Cracking) im Kunststoff verursachen. Diese Risse können sich mit der Zeit ausbreiten und schließlich zu Undichtigkeiten führen.

  2. UV-Degradation:
    Kunststofftanks, die im Freien stehen, sind der UV-Strahlung der Sonne ausgesetzt. Langfristige Exposition gegenüber UV-Strahlen kann das Material abbauen und es spröde machen. Dieser Prozess wird als UV-Degradation bezeichnet und kann die Haltbarkeit der Tanks erheblich reduzieren.
    Lösungen: Um dieses Problem zu vermeiden, werden Kunststofftanks oft mit UV-Stabilisatoren behandelt oder durch Farbanstriche or Abdeckungen geschützt.

  3. Temperaturbeständigkeit:
    Kunststofftanks sind empfindlicher gegenüber extremen Temperaturen als Stahltanks. Bei hohen Temperaturen kann sich der Kunststoff verformen oder weicher werden, was die strukturelle Integrität gefährdet. Bei sehr niedrigen Temperaturen kann Kunststoff spröde und anfällig für Risse werden.

  4. Mechanische Schäden:
    Während Stahltanks mechanische Belastungen relativ gut aushalten können, sind Kunststofftanks anfälliger für mechanische Beschädigungen. Kratzer oder Schläge können zu Rissen oder Leckagen führen, insbesondere bei Tanks, die stark belastet oder im Freien aufgestellt werden.

  5. Diffusion:
    Ein weiteres Problem bei Kunststofftanks ist die Permeabilität. Einige Chemikalien können durch den Kunststoff diffundieren, was zu einem allmählichen Verlust des Inhalts oder einer Verunreinigung der Umgebung führen kann. Dies ist insbesondere bei der Lagerung von brennbaren Flüssigkeiten or Lösungsmitteln relevant.

  6. Langzeitbelastung:
    Kunststofftanks unterliegen auch der sogenannten Kriechverformung. Das bedeutet, dass das Material unter anhaltender Belastung (z.B. durch das Gewicht des Inhalts) allmählich seine Form verändern kann. Dies kann zu einer strukturellen Schwächung des Tanks führen, besonders bei großen oder hochgefüllten Tanks.

Vergleich zwischen Stahl- und Kunststofftanks

Aspekt Stahltanks Kunststofftanks
Korrosionsanfälligkeit Hohe Korrosionsgefahr, besonders bei Wasser und Chemikalien Keine Korrosion im herkömmlichen Sinne, aber chemische Angriffe möglich
Schutzmaßnahmen Schutzbeschichtungen, kathodischer Schutz, regelmäßige Inspektionen UV-Stabilisatoren, Chemikalienbeständigkeit, mechanische Schutzmaßnahmen
Chemische Beständigkeit Abhängig von der Beschichtung, kann durch aggressive Chemikalien angegriffen werden Gute Beständigkeit gegenüber vielen Chemikalien, aber bestimmte Substanzen können Spannungsrisse verursachen
Mechanische Stabilität Sehr hoch, widerstandsfähig gegen mechanische Belastungen Empfindlich gegenüber Kratzern, Stößen und mechanischen Beschädigungen
Wartung Regelmäßige Inspektion und Wartung erforderlich, um Korrosion zu vermeiden Weniger Wartung erforderlich, aber regelmäßige Überprüfung auf UV-Schäden und Risse

Sowohl Stahl- als auch Kunststofftanks haben spezifische Herausforderungen, die bei ihrer Nutzung berücksichtigt werden müssen. Während Stahltanks anfällig für elektrochemische Korrosion und mikrobiell induzierte Korrosion sind, haben Kunststofftanks Probleme wie chemische Zersetzung, UV-Degradation und mechanische Schwächen. Beide Tanktypen erfordern spezifische Schutzmaßnahmen, um ihre Lebensdauer zu verlängern und ihre Funktionalität zu gewährleisten.

Save time and money on tank inspections - talk to our experts now

Dipl.-Ing. Karsten Lehrke

Drone inspections for tanks and silos - time-saving, precise and safe

As a plant manager in the industry, you know how crucial regular and thorough inspections of tanks and silos are. Damage, deposits and contamination in these vessels can affect operational safety and efficiency and lead to costly breakdowns. However, traditional inspection methods can result in high costs, long downtimes and safety risks for personnel.
  • With the Drone inspections der Flyability ELIOS 3 we offer a modern solution for inspecting tanks and silos in industrial plants. Our drones capture high-resolution images and precise data to perform a detailed inspection of hard-to-reach internal areas. We work closely with inspection organisations to ensure that all inspections meet the highest quality and safety standards.

  • Thanks to our years of experience in the inspection of tanks we can precisely inspect and document specific defects such as corrosion on steel tanks, damage to coatings and damage to GRP tanks. Our drones make it possible to precisely detect even the smallest defects and quickly initiate maintenance measures. Instandhaltung einzuleiten.

  • We can also inspect silos safely and efficiently. The Drone inspection erlaubt es, spezifische Defekte wie Abrasionen und andere strukturelle Schäden frühzeitig zu erkennen and documented to ensure long-term stability and security.

  • Rely on Drone inspections with the Flyability ELIOS 3 and benefit from our extensive experience, modern technology and cooperation with leading inspection associations to optimise the safety and efficiency of your tank and silo inspections.

Save time and money on tank inspections - talk to our experts now

Fast and safe tank inspections in industrial plants with the Flyability ELIOS 3

Experts for industrial inspections

Our experts develop Customised inspection solutions for the inspection of tanks and silos and set the Flyability ELIOS 3 drone to achieve precise and reliable results even in areas that are difficult to access.

What are the advantages of inspecting tanks and silos with the Flyability ELIOS 3 drone?

The Inspection of industrial tanks such as steel tanks and GRP tanks with the Flyability ELIOS 3 drone enables safe inspection of hard-to-reach areas without endangering employees. It precisely detects defects such as corrosion, micro-cracks, wall thickness weakening, osmosis, delamination and UV damage. With high-resolution cameras and precise sensors, the drone provides accurate data for a reliable condition assessment. Our inspections are fast and efficient, minimising downtime and avoiding costly breakdowns. By working closely with inspection organisations, we ensure that all inspections meet the highest standards and that defects are detected at an early stage.

How does drone inspection differ from conventional inspection methods for tanks and silos?

Unlike traditional inspections, which require scaffolding, work platforms or rope access and expose employees to danger, drone inspection offers a fast and safe solution without interrupting operations. The Flyability ELIOS 3 drone, equipped with high-resolution cameras and advanced sensors, enables precise inspection of hard-to-reach areas and detects defects such as corrosion, cracks and deformations at an early stage. Laser scanning and 3D mapping can also be used to create accurate models for maintenance planning. This method saves time and money and protects personnel from unnecessary risks.

Which tanks and silos can be inspected with the Flyability ELIOS 3 drone?

The Flyability ELIOS 3 drone can be used to efficiently inspect various types of tanks and silos in industry and power plants. These include

  1. Storage tanks: Cylindrical tanks, spherical tanks and rectangular tanks made of carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminium, GRP and concrete. These tanks are used to store raw materials, water, chemicals and fuels.
  2. Pressurised container: Spherical tanks and cylindrical pressure tanks made of stainless steel, alloy steel and carbon steel, which are used to store gases and liquids under high pressure.
  3. Silos for bulk goods: Cylindrical silos, bunker silos and conical silos made of concrete, steel, stainless steel and GRP, which are used to store solid materials such as grain, cement, coal and chemicals.
  4. Spherical tanks: Spherical tanks made of carbon steel, stainless steel and alloy steel, specially designed for the storage of liquefied gases (LNG, LPG) under pressure and at low temperatures.
  5. cooling tanks: Insulated stainless steel tanks used in the food and chemical industries for storage at low temperatures.
  6. Acid tanks and chemical storage tanks: Tanks made of polyethylene, polypropylene, GRP and stainless steel for the storage of corrosive chemicals such as acids, alkalis and solvents.
  7. Sedimentation tanks: Tanks made of steel and concrete with a funnel-shaped bottom, used in sewage treatment plants and for wastewater treatment.
  8. Storage tanks for liquid fuels: Tanks made of carbon steel, stainless steel and GRP, specially designed for the storage of fuels such as diesel, petrol and heavy fuel oil.
  9. Biogas and fermentation tanks: Gas-tight tanks made of steel, stainless steel, GRP and concrete, which are used for the fermentation of organic waste in biogas plants.
  10. Sprinklertanks: Vertically installed tanks made of steel, GRP and concrete that store water for firefighting. Also Underwater inspections are possible.
  11. Extinguishing agent storage tanks: Pressure-tight containers made of stainless steel, alloy steel and GRP for storing special extinguishing agents.
  12. Cooling towers and water reservoirs: Open or closed tanks made of steel, concrete and GRP for water cooling in power stations.

Thanks to the Flyability ELIOS 3 drone, all these tanks and silos can be safely and efficiently inspected to detect defects such as corrosion, cracks, coating delamination, osmosis, delamination and other structural damage at an early stage.

How safe is it to inspect tanks and silos with the Flyability ELIOS 3 drone?

The Flyability ELIOS 3 drone enables safe inspections of confined, hard-to-reach and potentially hazardous areas without employees having to take risks. It is controlled from the ground or outside the structures and delivers high-resolution images and precise data. Its robust design and ability to navigate safely in low light and confined environments minimises the risk of accidents. This method is ideal for inspecting tanks and silos that are pressurised, chemically contaminated or difficult to access, providing an efficient and thorough solution without putting personnel at risk.

How long does it take to inspect tanks and silos with the Flyability ELIOS 3 drone?

The duration of an inspection of tanks and silos with the Flyability ELIOS 3 drone depends on the size, condition and complexity of the structures to be inspected. In general, a drone inspection is significantly faster than conventional methods as no scaffolding, working platforms or rope access techniques are required. Smaller tanks or simple silo structures can often be fully inspected within a few hours. For larger tanks, complex systems or when several tanks and silos are inspected at once, the inspection can take a whole day or longer. However, with efficient data collection and documentation, inspection times can be significantly reduced compared to traditional methods, minimising downtime and optimising operations.

How are the targets for the drone inspection of tanks and silos defined and controlled?

The objectives for the drone inspection of tanks and silos are defined in advance in close consultation with the customer. The first step is to clarify why the inspection is being carried out - whether it is for a routine check, to document damage or to comply with legal requirements. We also discuss whether testing organisations or external experts are involved and what specific requirements they have for the inspection. Based on this information, we plan the inspection specifically according to the customer's needs. During the inspection, we ensure that all relevant areas are thoroughly checked and that the data collected corresponds to the defined objectives. In this way, we ensure a customised inspection solution that meets the highest standards and delivers precise results.

Is the ELIOS 3 easy to operate and do I need special training?

The Flyability ELIOS 3 drone is designed for inspection in challenging and difficult-to-access environments and offers a user-friendly interface. Nevertheless, its safe and effective use requires specialised training. Our drone pilots are fully trained and certified to control the drone in complex industrial facilities such as tanks and silos while capturing highly accurate data. Training includes understanding flight safety, operating the drone in confined and difficult spaces and analysing the data collected. With the right training, the ELIOS 3 drone can be optimally utilised to carry out safe and efficient inspections.

What happens if defects or damage are discovered during the inspection of tanks and silos?

If defects or damage are detected during the inspection of tanks and silos, these anomalies are immediately reported to the customer. Our drones capture high-resolution images and precise data that make it possible to directly assess the nature and extent of the damage. The information gathered is documented in a detailed report and discussed with the customer so that quick and targeted action can be taken to rectify the problems identified. This proactive communication helps to minimise potential risks and ensure a rapid response to detected defects.

Can the drone inspection of tanks and silos also be carried out during ongoing operations?

The drone inspection of tanks and silos cannot usually be carried out during ongoing operations. The respective tanks or silos must be taken out of operation, emptied and cleaned to enable a safe and effective inspection. This is the only way to reliably identify and document defects such as cracks, corrosion or deposits. Preparation and decommissioning of the plant are necessary to operate the drone safely and ensure precise inspection results.

How can I book a drone inspection for my tanks and silos?

To book a drone inspection for your tanks and silos, simply get in touch with us. Our experts will discuss your specific requirements, the type of tanks or silos to be inspected and the objectives of the inspection with you. We will provide you with comprehensive advice on the procedure, preparation and execution of the inspection. You can contact us by phone, email or via our online contact form on our website. After agreeing the details, we will arrange a suitable date and develop a customised inspection solution that meets your needs.

Are ultrasonic inspections (UT measurements by drone) also possible during the tank inspection?

Yes, ultrasonic testing (UT measurements) can also be carried out during the tank inspection. UT measurements are an effective method of checking the material thickness of tank walls and detecting potential corrosion or erosion damage. These measurements provide a precise assessment of the condition of the tank and help to plan necessary maintenance measures at an early stage. By using modern drones and special UT sensors, the measurements can even be carried out in hard-to-reach places, which shortens inspection times and increases safety.

Digital precision: 3D point clouds for detailed inspections of tanks and silos

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Frequently asked questions

Kopterflug Kopterflug is the ideal partner for the drone inspection of tanks and silos because we have years of experience and in-depth expertise in the inspection of industrial plants. We use state-of-the-art drone technology such as the Flyability ELIOS 3 to inspect even hard-to-reach areas precisely and safely. Our close collaboration with inspection organisations and surveyors ensures that all inspections meet the highest quality and safety standards. Our understanding of the specific defects and requirements of tanks and silos enables us to offer customised inspection solutions that meet your individual needs and optimise the safety and efficiency of your systems.
Kopterflug has extensive experience in the inspection of tanks and silos in industrial plants. For many years, we have specialised in the inspection of a wide variety of tank types, including steel tanks, GRP tanks and special chemical storage tanks. Our experts are familiar with the specific defects that can occur in such structures, such as corrosion, cracks, delamination or coating problems, and know how to efficiently identify and document them. With our Flyability ELIOS 3 drone, we have carried out numerous inspections safely and accurately, even in difficult environments and tight spaces. Our expertise and extensive knowledge make us a trusted partner for inspecting your industrial facilities.
Kopterflug supports maintenance engineers and plant managers with customised inspection solutions that are tailored to the specific needs and requirements of each plant. Prior to each inspection, we work closely with our customers to define the objectives and focus areas, such as the detection of corrosion, cracks or coating issues. During the inspection, we ensure that all relevant areas are thoroughly checked and the results are available in the form of detailed reports and 3D point clouds. These reports provide a precise basis for making informed decisions and planning maintenance measures. Through our collaboration with inspection organisations and our experience in drone inspection, we help to make the inspection process safer, more efficient and more cost-effective.
Kopterflug distinguishes itself from other providers through years of extensive experience in the inspection of tanks and silos in industrial plants and power stations. While many drone service providers specialise in general inspection services, we have in-depth knowledge of the specific requirements and challenges of inspecting different types of tanks and silos. We use state-of-the-art drones such as the Flyability ELIOS 3 to inspect even hard-to-reach areas precisely and safely. We also work closely with inspection organisations to ensure that our inspections meet the highest standards. This in-depth expertise, coupled with state-of-the-art technology, makes Kopterflug a reliable partner for the precise and efficient inspection of your systems.
Kopterflug ensures that all inspections of tanks and silos fulfil the relevant requirements through optimal communication with our customers or the relevant surveyor. Before each inspection, we work together to clarify the specific objectives and requirements, be it for regulatory compliance, to identify specific defects or to prepare for an official inspection. Our experienced drone pilots utilise state-of-the-art drone technology such as the Flyability ELIOS 3 to ensure a thorough and precise inspection. By liaising closely with the customer and surveyors, we ensure that our inspections always meet the highest quality and safety standards and that the results are tailored to the exact needs and specifications.
To book a drone inspection for your tanks and silos with Kopterflug, you can simply contact us. Our experts will provide you with comprehensive advice on the specific requirements of your inspection, be it checking for corrosion, cracks, coating problems or other defects. You can contact us by phone, email or via our online contact form on our website. After a detailed preliminary discussion in which we discuss your objectives and the scope of the inspection, we will provide you with a customised quote. We will plan the inspection date together and ensure that it is carried out efficiently and according to your needs.